Active learning for active students.
DataCom Design Group understands the critical role of technology and security systems in schools today.
DoDEA Vicenza High School
Vicenza, Italy • $41,864,000 • 110,042 SF
Includes instructional and staff collaboration spaces design into neighborhoods, as well as learning-impaired instructional classrooms, career technical labs, science lab, art and music studios, and occupational / physical therapy spaces
Austin ISD Norman Elementary School Modernization
Austin, Texas • $25,000,000 • 58,519 SF
The modernized Norman Elementary opened in Fall 2020 and included flexible learning spaces, natural lighting, outdoor classrooms, and new media technology. The updates and upgrades allow students to be active learners in 21st-century spaces as they collaborate and move within and throughout the classroom.
Houston ISD South Early College High School
Houston, Texas • $13,500,000 • 40,000 SF
SECHS is designed to provide students the opportunity to obtain an associates degree along with their diploma. This new 56,791 SF two story, “School of the 21st Century” is located on the Houston Community College South Campus and has the capacity to house 400 students. Our design focused on security to provide a safe learning environment, audiovisual spaces and hi-speed data to accommodate new learning and emerging learning models.
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